Up to now I've been using Selenium in firefox, with tests written in rselenese. While this works, I've only been able to use it to test on firefox, and it's meant firing up the browser to run the tests. I'm a bit lazy about this, and would rather be able to run the tests as a rake task. Sure they're slow, but if I run them while I'm making coffee or having lunch that's better than not at all.
I'm not sure the solution I'm outlining here is the best - but it has the advantage of being quite simple to implement, and not being dependent on a whole bunch of plugins that may or may not be compatible with rails in future.
So I've been looking at changing over to Selenium client and Selenium RC instead. First step was to download the selenium-client gem
sudo gem install selenium-client
This is now the 'official Ruby driver for [Selenium Remote Control](selenium-rc.openqa.org) '
I also found this and this helpful. Crucially, I downloaded a version of selenium RC that works with firefox 3 from here. Then fired up the selenium RC server with
java -jar selenium-server.jar -interactive
I created a helper file, and stuck it in the test/selenium directory. There's still a lot of stuff hard coded in here that should be pulled out into maybe environment variables - but it's a start.
dir = File.dirname(__FILE__)
require dir + "/../test_helper"
require 'test/unit'
require "rubygems"
gem 'selenium-client'
require 'selenium'
module Chaser
class SeleniumTestCase < counter="0" additional_args="['-interactive'," background="true" host="" port="4444" timeout="300000" wait_until_up_and_running="true" remote_control =" Selenium::RemoteControl::RemoteControl.new(@@host," jar_file =" File.dirname(__FILE__)+" additional_args =" @@additional_args" background =""> @@background
if @@background && @@wait_until_up_and_running
puts "Waiting for Remote Control to be up and running..."
TCPSocket.wait_for_service :host => @@host, :port => @@port
puts 'continuing ...'
puts "Selenium Remote Control at #{@@host}:#{@@port} ready"
def self.terminate_server
#whether the pid turns up in f1 or f2 seems to be indeterminate - this bit of code looks in both
#and sort out which contains an integer as a way of reliably returning the pid
puts "Terminating server..."
f1= `ps axo pid -o command | egrep 'java.*?selenium|mongrel.*?3001' | grep -v egrep | cut -d' ' -f1 `
f2= `ps axo pid -o command | egrep 'java.*?selenium|mongrel.*?3001' | grep -v egrep | cut -d' ' -f2`
"#{(f1||f2).to_i} kill -9"
def self.running_server
f1=`ps axo pid -o command | egrep 'java.*?selenium|mongrel.*?3001' | grep -v egrep | cut -d' ' -f1`
f2=`ps axo pid -o command | egrep 'java.*?selenium|mongrel.*?3001' | grep -v egrep | cut -d' ' -f2`
return (f1||f2).to_i > 0
def setup
SeleniumTestCase.start_selenium unless SeleniumTestCase.running_server
TCPSocket.wait_for_service :host => @@host, :port => @@port
@browser = Selenium::Client::Driver.new(@@host, @@port, "*chrome /home/chris/firefox/firefox/firefox-bin", "http://localhost:3001", 30000);
#This is app specific - logs the user out if they are already logged in so that we have a
#clean startup
assert_equal "Chaser Bureau", @browser.title
if !! Thread.current[:user]
browser.click "link=Log out", :wait_for => :page
def teardown
@browser.close_current_browser_session if @browser
# Shadowed methods, so they aren't passed to method_missing
def open(addr)
def type(inputLocator, value)
@browser.type(inputLocator, value)
def select(inputLocator, optionLocator)
@browser.select(inputLocator, optionLocator)
def make_dir(name)
Dir.mkdir("#{@screenshotdir}") unless File.exists?("#{@screenshotdir}")
Dir.mkdir("#{@screenshotdir}/#{name}") unless File.exists?("#{@screenshotdir}/#{name}")
def click(*args)
make_dir( self.method_name)
@browser.capture_entire_page_screenshot("#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{@screenshotdir}/#{ self.method_name}/screenshot_#{@@counter}.png","background=#CCFFDD")
my_file = File.new("#{RAILS_ROOT}/#{@screenshotdir}/#{ self.method_name}/body_#{@@counter}.html", "w")
# Passes all missing methods to browser
def method_missing(method_name, *args)
if @browser.respond_to?(method_name)
if args.empty?
@browser.send(method_name, *args)
then I have some tests that look like this:
require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/selenium_helper")
class CreateContact < wait_for =""> :page
.... and so on
Next, I wanted a rake task to run the tests. Selenium_fu has a long list of rake tasks that start and stop the selenium server, and do all sorts of other stuff - but they didn't work out of the box for me. I also wanted that whenever I ran the selenium tests I also ran the w3c validation tests. Then I got to thinking it would be nice to have a screen dump of each page before leaving it - this might be useful for debugging, and also for screenshots for documentation. And while we're at it, why not run rcov as well .... all things that take a long time, but are quite handy if run regularly.
Anyway, after far to much hacking about, and fixing things like rcov bugs - I ended up with a big rakefile ...
namespace :test do
desc "run selenium tests"
task :selenium do
#system "mongrel_rails stop"
system "mongrel_rails start -d -e test -p 3001" unless "tmp/mongrel-test.pid"
Rake::TestTask.new("all_tests") do |t|
t.libs << 'test'
t.test_files = FileList['test/selenium/*_test.rb']
t.verbose = true
task :validator do
desc "run functional tests with w3c validation"
p 'running validator tests'
task :all => [ 'test:units', 'test:validator','mongrel:test:start','test:selenium'] do
desc "Runs all tests - including selenium and validator tests"
Setting the validator key in the environment means that I can run the w3c validator tests by having the following code in my test_helper.rb file:
if ENV.has_key?'validator'
#ignore some warnings i don't care about ...
Html::Test::Validator.tidy_ignore_list=[/<table> lacks "summary" attribute/,
/Warning: replacing invalid character code 130/,#€ has a very bad character
/Warning: replacing invalid character code 152/, #star char
/Warning: trimming empty <dd>/,
/end tag for "ul" which is not finished/
#set up the validator
Html::Test::Validator.w3c_show_source = "0"
ApplicationController.validate_all = true
ApplicationController.validators = [:w3c]
ApplicationController.check_urls = false
ApplicationController.check_redirects = true
It's a lot of work to set all this up and get the bugs out, but now I can run selenium and w3c validation tests and get a screen dump of every page of the app while making lunch. So probably worth it in the end ...
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