I've been working quite a bit with Devise over the last week or so. I'm rewriting something that used to be a desktop application and turning it into a web app. The users currently have a seat-based licencing arrangement - 5 users, 10 users etc. Keeping this arrangement in a web application has proved a bit tricky. There are several posts in the devise group that suggest this is a fairly common requirement, but no obvious solutions. So here's my first hack at it - I've simply added one more method call to the resource inside the DatabaseAuthenticatable authenticate! method
require 'devise/strategies/authenticatable'
module Devise
module Strategies
# Default strategy for signing in a user, based on his email and password in the database.
class DatabaseAuthenticatable < Authenticatable
def authenticate!
resource = valid_password? && mapping.to.find_for_database_authentication(authentication_hash)
if resource && resource.licenced? && validate(resource){ resource.valid_password?(password) }
Warden::Strategies.add(:database_authenticatable, Devise::Strategies::DatabaseAuthenticatable)
Then in the resource model - in this case the User model - I can have a licenced? method that checks whether the user has a licence to access the system. The method looks like this:
def licenced?
not_logged_in? and has_licence?
Next I added a 'last_signed_out_at' field to the resource record and override the destroy method in the Devise::SessionsController.
def destroy
current_user.update_attribute(:last_signed_out_at, Time.now) rescue nil
set_flash_message :notice, :signed_out if signed_in?(resource_name)
On its own this is not enough to check whether the user is logged in, because they may just have closed the browser or their session may have timed out. We also need the fields added by the Trackable and Timeoutable modules. Together these changes allow us to write a not_logged_in? method in the User model
def not_logged_in?
ok = current_sign_in_at.nil? || last_request_at.nil?
ok = ok || last_request_at.to_i < Time.now.to_i - Devise.timeout_in.to_i rescue nil
ok= ok || last_signed_out_at > current_sign_in_at rescue nil
Finally we need to decide whether the user is licenced. This will vary depending on the application of course. In our case, an event can have any number of users but only licence_count users can be logged in at the same time, so in the User model
def has_licence?
event.logged_in_users < event.licence_count
And finally, we need to know how many users are logged in for a given event. In our case an event has_many users, and in the Event model I just iterate through all the users and count the ones that are signed in
def logged_in_users
users.inject(0){|count, u|
count+= 1 unless u.not_logged_in?
If I can find the time and there is any interest I will try and bundle this up into a stand-alone extension but for now just putting it out there ...